Why Recoup's WWHRS do not foul
No. Firstly, unlike some other WWHRS designs, our WWHRS sytems do not take foul (black) water. We leave that to the soil pipes. Instead the WWHRS takes only the shower waste. This shower waste (minus most of its’ heat energy), is fed back into the SVP or Sewer pipe once it leaves the bottom of the WWHRS unit.
All of Recoups WWHRS systems are designed specifically not to become blocked. No additional cleaning or maintenance is required over and above what is necessary when no WWHRS is present. The units can be rodded via incoming waste and standard domestic drain cleaners are permissible.
The only exception to this is the pump supplied as part of the Pipe HEX Active system which should be sited somewhere accessible, as a mechanical component periodic maintenance may be required.