What is Waste Water Heat Recovery for Showers?

What is WWHRS and how does it work, System types & Introduction to Recoup video

Waste Water Heat Recovery for Showers (WWHRS) is a heat exchanger technology that transfers heat energy from outflowing shower drain water to preheat the incoming cold water feed that normally feeds the shower mixer and/or the hot water system, be that a combi-boiler, DHW cylinder, heat pump, heat interface unit, hydrogen boiler or practically any DHW generation source.

Heat energy that would normally go down the drain, becomes reused: reducing the homes' hot water requirements; lowering CO2 emissions and reducing household energy bills every time the shower is used. 

A typical WWHRS installed in a new build home can reduce the energy required per shower use by up to 55%. 

WWHRS has been proven to provide a vital role in saving energy and reducing hot water demand within both commercial and domestic properties. Compared to space heating which has many energy-saving technologies in place, hot water has been an area where it has previously proven difficult to make substantial improvements.

Horizontal and Vertical WWHRS systems are available for different applications, the full range of systems are available to view on our website

All of Recoups WWHRS systems are SAP-listed energy efficiency measures, recognised for use in the UK to help achieve Part-L building regulation compliance.

They can be installed in one of three different installation methods…

  • System A – A Balanced system that feeds both the water heater and shower
  • System B – An unbalanced system that feeds the shower only
  • System C – An unbalanced system that feeds the water heater only

The performance for systems A, B & C are all fully tested, validated and recognised through SAP, however, System A produces the highest efficiencies in every case.