How do you model WWHRS in ApacheHVAC tool?

WWHRS (DWHR) is available on IES VE: This is implemented in their ApacheHVAC tool and a user can configure the system there.

(the information below is taken directly from IES)

Note: IES refer to WWHRS: Waste Water Heat Recovery for Showers, as DWHR: Drain Water Heat Recovery.

ApacheHVAC tool

"The user will need to provide information regarding the DWHR configuration, number of fixtures and flow rate per fixture for the eligible end uses, modulating profile for consumption pattern, end-use temperature, temperature drop between the end use and the drain side of the DWHR HX, the and Rated effectiveness of the DWHR HX"

DHW System 01 - DWHR IES ApacheHVAC

DSM modelling 'workaround'

Where the Apache tool is not available, other users of DSM software have opted to use a ‘workaround’ to incorporate the impact of WWHRS within their models.

Recoup can offer justifiable project-based calculations, demonstrating kWh or % DHW energy savings, which can then be incorporated into your model either via:

  • DHW energy reduction or
  • an ‘artificial’  increase in DHW plant efficiency or
  • an ‘artificial’  increase in incoming CWM temperature).

Contact us directly here to discuss your project or explore the following article for more info: DSM modelling workaround options